What's in a name?

What does the name mpec (we pronounce it empeck) have to do with the world of graphic design and why would you let them loose on your company branding?

Well, we decided we wanted to sum up what we were all about and that, we decided, was the personal service! We get to know our clients and understand them as well as their business and what name could signify that more than our own name, well our intials to be precise! We truly, and literally, are ‘mpec’.

Hardly the most exciting name you may think, but it does get a conversation started as no-one is ever sure how to pronounce it! In fact, we were working on a catalogue for a farming equipment company and it transpired that one staff member thought we were called hen-peck when she heard our name being bandied about the office! Now that’s an eggciting idea :)

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"we've got the strategy, technology and ability to ensure you get not only the best possible design but also the best value for money"


  • Corporate identity
  • Packaging
  • Brochures
  • Advertising
  • Retouching
  • Websites
  • Direct mail
  • Stationery
  • Exhibitions
  • Posters
  • E-commerce